Disadvantages and challenges in low code application development.
In software development, there is no one-size-fits-all, and low code is not always the best solution.
At Grexx it goes without saying that we are extremely enthusiastic about low-code. But while we believe in its power to digitalize your business quickly and efficiently, we also recognize the drawbacks and challenges that come with low-code. In software development, there is no one size fits all and low code is not always the best solution. In today’s post we will take you through a few frequently worries about using low-code.
It is good to realize that every Low Code Application Platform (LCAP) is different. Some LCAPs offer a lot of possibilities, while others have a very narrow applicability. Both can have their advantages, depending on what you want to achieve.
Grexx Platform falls into the first category, as it offers a huge toolbox full of possibilities and features. However, there are still some (perceived) drawbacks and challenges for you.
Worry: Developing with low-code is not sufficient. Eventually, you must do some substantial programming.
This is not true. It varies somewhat by customer and by application, but most of the applications on the Grexx Platform are at the most 10% code. The other 90% of the applications are built entirely from low code.
Combining code with low code is typically an issue where the differences between different LCAPs are large. If you use Grexx, then you have many opportunities to create everything you need with low code. There are also LCAPs where you have fewer options.
Worry: Low-code does not offer sufficient opportunities in terms of security and compliance.
We hear this argument more often, but it is unfounded. The beauty of low code is that you don't have to work from scratch and therefore we take a lot of the work in security and compliance off your shoulders. The basis we offer you is already quite extensive, and in addition you have many opportunities to increase the security of your application yourself.
You have the same possibilities as if you were programming the application all by yourself, making smart use of our compliance program, founded on 20+ years of knowledge and experience and our ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certifications.
Worry: Low-code applications are limited in terms of freedom and customization.
Yes, that's correct, however there’s always a solution. Software development is a creative profession and there will always be things we didn’t foresee. So, whatever we offer, there will always be limitations. When you choose Grexx, that means in practice that you get a huge amount of low code capabilities, but what you lack can always be realized by using code. So that way you can overcome the limitations of low code very simply.
For example, when you begin using Grexx Platform, you have numerous options for enhancing the appearance of your application. With a wysiwyg editor (what you see is what you get) you can easily adjust the styling. But if you have an exotic corporate identity or if you are used to developing fancy designs with Figma or Sketch, the standard options may be too limited. In that case, you can use html and css to manually tinker with the design of your application.
Curious about the other statements our CTO Bart responded to? Six other drawbacks and challenges (or biases) about low-code can be found here:
• Worry: "If I start with Grexx I immediately sign up for a vendor lock-in"
• Worry: "The technical specification and source code is not mine, therefore I lose control"
• Worry: "For maintenance, development and updates I am completely dependent on the vendor, I have nothing to say about that."
• Thesis: "Low code offers limited opportunities in terms of integrations"
• Thesis: "Getting an experienced developer to work with low code is like giving Max Verstappen the keys to a self-driving car...'
• Worry: "Conveniently, with low-code anyone can become a citizen developer"
Are you considering low-code?
When you choose the platform that fits your needs, then low-code does not have many drawbacks. In fact, for most organizations, low-code only has advantages. Are you considering low-code as an option for your team or application? Then consider the following two questions:
• How much do you want to do yourself?
At Grexx, we think it is important that our users build applications themselves. We can help you, we like to think along with you (coaching & consultancy), we can train teams (Grexx Academy) and our support team loves difficult questions, but... the main idea is really that you develop yourself. Much of this support is simply included in your Grexx license. Read more about learning to work with Grexx low code.
This approach does not apply to all LCAPs. There are many low code platforms where the revenue model is primarily in consulting: support is billed hourly. That is a substantially different way of working than the way we work at Grexx. If you choose an LCAP, consider in advance how you want to deploy it and who will work with it.
• Who will be your (citizen) developers?
Our users are both traditional developers (who can also program) and citizen developers (low-code developers without programming knowledge). For the latter group, a whole new world opens up to them when they learn to develop with low code. For traditional developers, it can feel different: they can work with high code and do not always see the need for low code. We can say a lot about that at Grexx (see, for example, the benefits of low code), but it's important to realize that "wanting to work with something" is not always based on logic.
In practice, we sometimes see resistance from experienced programmers. If you want to deploy traditional software developers on the Grexx platform and you don't know how to remove that resistance, then of course it becomes difficult to work successfully with low code. That's something we're happy to help you with. Would you like to discuss this further? Feel free to schedule a discovery call.