Meet Consultant Mathijs
"I enjoy the combination of using technical skills and collaborating with clients to achieve results”

At the beginning of the year, we welcomed Mathijs van Ginneken to our team as a Consultant. With a strong background in technical business administration and extensive technological expertise, he knows exactly how to use digitizing and automating processes to strengthen your business.
Once Mathijs finished his studies in Industrial Engineering and Management at Utrecht, he gained valuable in a variety of technical roles, including full-stack developer and Business Intelligence consultant. With his natural aptitude for these roles, it was no surprise that he found himself a perfect fit for Grexx, and we were thrilled to welcome him on board our team.
“I quickly hit it off with Maarten and Pieter during our first conversation. Although I initially came to discuss a technical job, my background made me a better fit for a business consulting role. The combination of customer service and technology appeals to me, and this position perfectly combines all of my previous experiences. It immediately felt like the right choice.”
Steep learning curve
“I've been employed at Grexx for four months now, and I feel like I have a good grasp on the platform. Initially, it was a steep learning curve, but I've mastered the basics in a relatively short period of time. However, with each new assignment from clients, I encounter unique issues that haven't been addressed before. I like that, actually; it reminds me that there is always more to learn.
One aspect I appreciate about Grexx is the nonhierarchical company culture, which allows for easy communication and collaboration. It's been a great environment for me as a new team member to jump in and contribute, even though I still have a lot to learn.
At the moment, I am building an existing application for a client on the new Grexx Platform. The application was previously built with the previous Platform and we are now converting that to a modernized version, with new functionalities and a fresh design. For me, this is a great way to get to know the Grexx Platform well, without also being conceptual. I like that just as much, but the focus is on the technology for now.
Nice team
“I’m typically in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays with nine of my colleagues from the consultancy team. We discuss ongoing projects and bounce ideas off each other for implementations and new features. For technical matters, I communicate regularly with the DevOps team, while Pieter is my go-to person for sales and administrative tasks. Throughout the week, I have interactions with the entire team, making it a fun and cohesive group.
I think it's powerful that we, as a company, are open to feedback. I notice this in how collegues deal with customers - they actively ask about what can be done differently, or better, and how they are experiencing the Platform. The same goes for working with these colleagues; as someone relatively new to the team, I often bring a fresh perspective and notice things that could be improved or changed. And it’s great to see that those ideas are taken into consideration and acted upon. It's one of the many aspects that makes this company a great place to work.”
Private life
Mathijs (31) lives with his girlfriend in Bussum. At the beginning of last year, they bought a house, in their own words 'a total ruin', and have been renovating it ever since. With that project finally completed, Mathijs now finds himself with a lot of free time. He fills it by going to the gym, playing football and padel with friends (accompanied by a cold beer), gaming and occasionally building code on the PC.