Meet sales consultant David

“Asking the right questions and seeing how we can add value is what I like about my job.”

The Grexx team has been steadily growing and has recently welcomed sales consultant David Beeren. With his atypical background, David has a unique ability to identify potential for low code implementation in various types of businesses.

"I'm fortunate to have an atypical background, growing up in a family of entrepreneurs involved in construction, temporary employment, and recruitment. My own background includes training in account management and accounting. I spent several years working as a bookkeeper before transitioning to selling accounting software for a period. 

However, as I saw the whole world changing slowly with the increasing use of automation and technology, I noticed that the financial world is conservative and resistant to change. While I enjoyed working in accountancy, I also wanted to stay ahead of the curve.

This led me to pursue opportunities that combined accounting and low code. Through networking, I ended up at Grexx where our visions aligned perfectly. Along with my accounting responsibilities, I also take on some sales tasks for Grexx."

 What do you do now?

“At Grexx, I focus on new business. I am also an entrepreneur myself: I have a company in
which I do the accounting for a number of customers and also work on my own software
product, which I built on the Grexx Platform. I also run an employment agency on a limited
scale, which is something I grew up with and which I really enjoy.

Finance and HRM or recruitment are therefore two fields where I feel very comfortable and feel
that I can really make a difference. Both fields still have so much potential in the field of
automation and digitization of processes and tasks. When combined with what we do at Grexx, I really see endless opportunities there."

The first two months at Grexx

“I have only been working for Grexx for a couple of months, and what I didn’t notice before but really appreciate now is how diverse and fulfilling the conversations we have are. In my previous roles in sales and account management for accounting software, I knew exactly who I needed to speak with in a company and what services we could offer. Conversations were about accounting, the financial department, the usual issues that finance professional's encounter. They were easy to anticipate. 

However, at Grexx the discussions are much broader. When I speak to a potential customer, I can, in principle, be talking to management, the financial department, people from sales, the operational team, human resources, IT... What we can offer with Grexx can be interesting for every department. And I think most departments have numerous concerns that we can assist them with.

That's great of course, that the possibilities are endless, but it also requires some adjustment on my part. If you're in sales, you typically have direct competitors, but it works differently here: the competitors are practically every SaaS product, every consultant, every IT professional. Yet at the same time, there are no competitors who can do everything that the Grexx Platform can do.

That requires a completely different approach when you are in my position. I make an effort to understand the perspective of those I speak with, to ask the right questions and consider how we can add value. That's one aspect of my job that I truly enjoy - standing alongside entrepreneurs and professionals, brainstorming ways that low code make their work easier, faster, or better. For me, it's all about the relationships and the added value which suits me well.

Private life

David (28) lives in the center of The Hague, with a view over the canals. He likes sports, especially dancing (Bachata, a style from the Dominican Republic) and Thai boxing. He fills his free time with going out and spending time with friends.

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